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Dick Cheney

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  • Dick Cheney

    American Vice President Dick Cheney is celebrating the birth of a grandson born to his lesbian daughter.

    It is the first such event in Cheney's Republican Party, which is decidedly anti-same sex marriages.

  • #2
    دختر همجنسباز ديك چني يك پسر نامشروع بدنيا آورد

    دفتر معاون رييس جمهور امريكا اعلام كرد ماري، دختر همجنس باز ديك چني، معاون رييس جمهور امريكا روز چهارشنبه وضع حمل كرد.

    به گزارش خبرگزاري فرانسه از واشنگتن، دفتر معاون رييس جمهور امريكا با انتشار عكسي از نوه نامشروع ديك چني در اغوش دختر وي اعلام كرد اين پسر بچه سه كيلو و هشتصد گرم وزن دارد و ششمين نوه ديك چني است.

    تولد اين فرزند نامشروع به خاطر همجنس باز بودن دختر ديك چني كه ماري نام دارد سر و صداي زيادي بر پا كرده است زيرا جرج بوش ، رييس جمهور امريكا علاقه فراواني به حفظ ارزش هاي سنتي دارد و با همجنس بازي مخالف است.

    هنوز مشخص نيست دختر همجنس باز ديك چني چگونه باردار شده است.

    ماري چني، سي و هشت ساله مدت ها است كه با يك زن همجنس باز ديگر زندگي مي كند.

    ديك چني دست راست رييس جمهوري است كه مخالف سر سخت ازدواج همجنس بازها است. وي يكي از چهره هاي جنجال برانگيز امريكا است و اخيرا براي عدم جنجالي شدن مسئله دخترش، گفته است ازادي براي همه است.


    • #3
      The balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favour of military action before President George Bush leaves office in 18 months, the Guardian has learned.

      The shift follows an internal review involving the White House, the Pentagon and the state department over the last month. Although the Bush administration is in deep trouble over Iraq, it remains focused on Iran. A well-placed source in Washington said: "Bush is not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo."

      The White House claims that Iran, whose influence in the Middle East has increased significantly over the last six years, is intent on building a nuclear weapon and is arming insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan.
      The vice-president, Dick Cheney, has long favoured upping the threat of military action against Iran. He is being resisted by the secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, and the defence secretary, Robert Gates.

      Last year Mr Bush came down in favour of Ms Rice, who along with Britain, France and Germany has been putting a diplomatic squeeze on Iran. But at a meeting of the White House, Pentagon and state department last month, Mr Cheney expressed frustration at the lack of progress and Mr Bush sided with him. "The balance has tilted. There is cause for concern," the source said this week.

      Nick Burns, the undersecretary of state responsible for Iran and a career diplomat who is one of the main advocates of negotiation, told the meeting it was likely that diplomatic manoeuvring would still be continuing in January 2009. That assessment went down badly with Mr Cheney and Mr Bush.

      "Cheney has limited capital left, but if he wanted to use all his capital on this one issue, he could still have an impact," said Patrick Cronin, the director of studies at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

      The Washington source said Mr Bush and Mr Cheney did not trust any potential successors in the White House, Republican or Democratic, to deal with Iran decisively. They are also reluctant for Israel to carry out any strikes because the US would get the blame in the region anyway.

      "The red line is not in Iran. The red line is in Israel. If Israel is adamant it will attack, the US will have to take decisive action," Mr Cronin said. "The choices are: tell Israel no, let Israel do the job, or do the job yourself."

      Almost half of the US's 277 warships are stationed close to Iran, including two aircraft carrier groups. The aircraft carrier USS Enterprise left Virginia last week for the Gulf. A Pentagon spokesman said it was to replace the USS Nimitz and there would be no overlap that would mean three carriers in Gulf at the same time.

      No decision on military action is expected until next year. In the meantime, the state department will continue to pursue the diplomatic route.

      Sporadic talks are under way between the EU foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, and Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, on the possibility of a freeze in Iran's uranium enrichment programme. Tehran has so far refused to contemplate a freeze, but has provisionally agreed to another round of talks at the end of the month.

      The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, has said that there are signs of Iran slowing down work on the enrichment plant it is building in Natanz. Negotiations took place in Tehran last week between Iranian officials and the IAEA, which is seeking a full accounting of Iran's nuclear activities before Tehran disclosed its enrichment programme in 2003. The agency's deputy director general, Olli Heinonen, said two days of talks had produced "good results" and would continue.

      At the UN, the US, Britain and France are trying to secure agreement from other security council members for a new round of sanctions against Iran. The US is pushing for economic sanctions that would include a freeze on the international dealings of another Iranian bank and a mega-engineering firm owned by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Russia and China are resisting tougher measures.


      • #4

        " کارکثيف "
        جنايتی که چنی، معاون بوش
        مامور اجرای شده است؟
        زمزمه کنار رفتن موقت بوش و سلطه چنی بر کاخ سفيد

        طی 24 ساعت گذشته، پرخبر ترين شب و روز درامريکا و آسيا طی شد. اخبار و رويدادهای اين 24 ساعت درعين حال که بکلی از هم جدا و ماهيتی مستقل دارند، در عين حال، در ارتباط تنگاتنگ با هم نيز هستند! و اين خود بر اهميت تحولات 24 ساعت گذشته می افزايد.

        در امريکا، کاخ سفيد در يک اطلاعيه غافلگير کننده اعلام داشت که بوش برای يک عمل جراحی راهی بيمارستان می شود و ديگ چنی معاون جنگ طلب او سکان رهبری را موقتا بدست می گيرد.

        متعاقب انتشار اين خبر، تمام خبرگزاری ها، عکسهای چنی را همراه با تفاسيری که از اين اطلاعيه داشتند منتشر کردند. تصاويری که عمدتا مربوط به سفر اخير وی به خليج فارس، افغانستان وعراق بود!

        اعلام اين رويداد چنان غافلگير کننده بود که حتی سايت های خبری راديوهای امريکا و بی بی سی با سردرگمی ابتدا خبری کوتاه را دراين ارتباط منتشر کردند، سپس آن را حذف کردند و پس از مدتی دوباره در بخش های انگليسی خود گذاشتند اما در بخش های فارسی منتظر تفسيرها شدند تا همراه با آن خبر را دوباره منتشر کنند!

        بيماری گريبان هر فردی را می گيرد، چه رئيس جمهور باشد و چه رهبر و يا مردم عادی، اما آنچه بعنوان تصميم سياسی در امريکا اعلام شد حکايت از پيش زمينه های ديگری می تواند داشته باشد. حتی اگر بوش سرطان روده بزرگ هم داشته باشد و بخواهند تکه برداری کنند نيز احتياج به اين جنجال خبری نبود. اگر نمی خواستند لولوی چنی را در کاخ سفيد نشان ندهند، می توانستند ترتيبی بدهند که بوش برای نه تنها 48 ساعت، بلکه تا يک هفته و 10 روز کامل هم تحت درمان و بستری باشد اما کسی خبر نشود.

        بنابراين تعمدی در انتشار اين خبر وجود داشته است. اين تعمد ميتواند دو دليل داشته باشد:

        1- يا وضع سلامت بوش واقعا به گونه ايست که بزودی بايد از صحنه خارج شود.

        2- و يا وضع سلامت او اشکالی ندارد، بلکه می خواهند فرصتی فراهم شود تا به قول امريکائي ها "کار کثيف" را يکنفر ديگر غير از رئيس جمهور رسمی "بوش" انجام دهد.

        اين کار کثيف جز جنگ افروزی اتمی نيست و می تواند انگيزه اين بازی و جابجائی برای امتحان آن عمل کثيف و سپس ارزيابی نتيجه آن باشد. اگر نتيجه موفقيت همراه داشت، جمهوريخواهان برنده ميدان اند و بوش هم از تخت بيمارستان بلند خواهند شد و اگر با شکست همراه بود، آنکه قربانی می شود معاون ماجراجوی رئيس جمهور است که با استفاده از غيب رئيس جمهور دسته گل را به آب داده و بايد برود!

        بنابراين، رويداد جديد در کاخ سفيد را بايد جدی تلقی کرد، بويژه آنکه در هفته های اخير شايعاتی نيز درباره اختلاف نظر چنی و وزير خارجه امريکا "رايس" درمطبوعات منتشر شده بود، که کانون اين اختلاف نيز چيزی جز همان "کارکثيف" و بحث و نگرانی از سرانجام آن نمی تواند باشد!


        • #5
          Dick Chaiene knows whats up

          [ame=""]YouTube - Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire C-SPAN[/ame]

          G-d determines who walks into your life....It is up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


          • #6
            On March 16, Vice President Cheney departs on a Middle East trip that will take him to Oman, Saudi Arabia, Israel, the West Bank, and Turkey. Coming less than two months after President Bush's trip to the region, the vice president's itinerary is intriguing. His undisclosed agenda with "key partners," in the words of the White House announcement, is likely to include the peace process, the price of oil, Iraq, and Iran. And among those issues, Iran will likely be the most mentioned, especially given this week's controversial resignation of Adm. William Fallon as the top U.S. commander in the Middle East -- a move attributed in part to differences on Iran between him and the White House.

            Iran Tied to Other Regional Issues
            Iran, particularly its nuclear ambitions, will certainly be the dominant theme in Cheney's meetings with regional leaders. Many of the issues mentioned in the White House trip agenda -- and many of the main U.S. policy concerns associated with the countries being visited -- are linked with Iran. For instance, the inclusion of Oman, a key ally in the Persian Gulf, is likely connected at least in part to its strategic coastline facing Iran at the Strait of Hormuz, the route through which up to 20 percent of the world's oil passes daily.

            Cheney will also face Iran questions related to Admiral Fallon's sudden resignation after a magazine article asserted that his views diverged from those of the White House. These differences reportedly included his disapproval of military action against Iran. According to the article's author, if Fallon left the post, it might signal that the administration intended to go war with Iran. When coupled with the diplomatic confusion caused by the December U.S. National Intelligence Estimate on Iran, which downplayed the regime's nuclear aspirations, the Fallon incident will no doubt put Cheney in the position of explaining U.S. intentions to many of his hosts.

            Although the Arab states of the Gulf, including Saudi Arabia and Oman, have publicly rejected military confrontation with Iran in favor of diplomacy, both look to United States as their ultimate security guarantor. For decades, Oman has been discreetly generous in providing air base and other facilities for the U.S. military, while Saudi Arabia, which no longer provides such arrangements, is the leading beneficiary of a new $20 billion U.S. military package aimed at bolstering regional allies against Iran. The kingdom also recently upgraded its strategic missile force with more modern Chinese solid-fuel rockets, replacing its obsolete liquid-fuel stock.

            Cheney is also likely to discuss Iran -- particularly its support for Hizballah and Hamas -- in his meetings with Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas. Some Hamas fighters in Gaza have been trained in Iran, and Iranian rockets have enabled the group to reach targets in southern Israel, home to 250,000 Israelis. Their conversations could also focus on whether President Bush can or should push for progress in the peace process during his planned trip in May.

            Pushing the Saudis?
            As the world's largest oil exporter, Saudi Arabia has considerable diplomatic power and financial muscle, but its actions are often at odds with U.S. policy. In her March 12 congressional testimony, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, commenting on the kingdom's efforts against Islamic extremism, noted, "I would be the last to say that there has been anything like the kind of progress that I think we will need. . . . This is a very high priority." Cheney will therefore push for progress, but he may not achieve much. Many commentators have suggested that the Saudis are waiting for the next U.S. administration, viewing Bush as a lame duck. In reality, the kingdom's own succession issues are arguably more influential: King Abdullah is eighty-five and described as being "limited," and at least one senior prince, theoretically a potential successor, is dying of cancer.

            In addition, Cheney will press Washington's view that the kingdom should think carefully before attending the Arab League summit to be hosted by Syria at the end of the month. He will also seek Saudi help with the Palestinians. At the Paris donor's conference in December, the kingdom proudly declared itself as "one of the largest, if not the largest" donors to the Palestinian Authority (PA), promising an additional $500 million for development projects. But its $92 million annual budgetary support for the PA, reconfirmed in Paris, is a relatively paltry sum representing just a few hours worth of oil revenues.

            Partly because of such stinginess, the PA has received just $260 million out of the higher-than-expected $7.7 billion pledged in Paris, forcing Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayad to juggle monthly salary commitments. Meanwhile, the Lebanese finance minister expressed confidence this week that Saudi Arabia would deposit $1 billion in Beirut's central bank to boost its foreign exchange reserves.

            Oil will be on Cheney's agenda as well -- with crude prices currently topping $110 per barrel, it would be difficult for him to repeat his past assertion that high prices are not a U.S. domestic political issue. When President Bush visited the kingdom in January, his request that the Saudis pump more oil was rejected by the Saudi oil minister the very same day it was tendered. U.S. energy secretary Samuel Bodman visited shortly thereafter, but with similar results. Cheney will be under pressure to say something publicly, and at the same time try to avoid yet another Saudi rebuke.

            Iraq and Its Neighbors
            At each stop, Cheney can expect questions about U.S. strategy in Iraq, particularly regarding the "surge." In November 2006, King Abdullah summoned him to Riyadh over Thanksgiving weekend reportedly to urge the United States not to withdraw abruptly from the country (even though he labeled U.S. involvement there as an "illegal, foreign occupation" only a few months later). Cheney is also likely to be asked how Fallon's resignation will affect the situation there, given the former commander's reported view that U.S. Middle East policy has focused too much on Iraq and a quick drawdown of U.S. troops.

            The success of Turkey's recent foray into isolated parts of northern Iraq, where the extremist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has found sanctuary, will be another topic of conversation. Quiet U.S. operational support has helped rebuild strained relations between Washington and Ankara ever since the Islamic-rooted ruling party began to solidify its political power. Cheney's visit to Ankara will build on the progress achieved during recent White House visits by both President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The vice president will likely encourage political action to diminish the problems caused by the PKK in southeastern Turkey, which amplify the tension that the group's presence in Iraq causes for Baghdad's relations with Ankara.

            The announced itinerary does not mention any side trips to Iraq or Afghanistan. They remain possibilities, however, albeit dangerous ones; the last time Cheney traveled to Afghanistan, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance to a base the vice president was visiting. Cheney needs to meet with the leadership of both countries at some point, and he often feels personally obligated to visit with U.S. forces when he is in the region -- such needs could take him to either hotspot during the current trip.

            Unclear but Crucial Outcome
            Cheney has made a career of saying little. But assuming that Iran is the main agenda item, his trip could indicate how the Bush administration plans to deal with the troublemaking, missile-equipped, and potentially nuclear-armed Iran -- and what it plans to leave for the next administration..


            • #7
              Former Vice President Dick Cheney says he was "probably" the strongest advocate in the Bush administration of a military strike against Iran's nuclear program. Cheney told FOX News Sunday in an interview conducted Friday that he believed the military threat was crucial to negotiations with Iran on ending its efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.

              "I was probably a bigger advocate of military action than any of my colleagues," Cheney said. "I think it was very important that the military option be on the table. I felt that negotiations couldn't possibly succeed unless the Iranians believed the military option was on the table."

