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    Update: Feb 22, 2006
    As of now we have the new server set up and configured for the site so plz let me know if you come across any issues or problems with the site. thanks, and also since we have an additional server, now I can put all the movies back online for you guys to download

    Update: Feb 20, 2006
    Guys the new server is ready, so now I gotta configure it and transfer files to it and then merge it to the other server we have... I should be done with it about 2 days I hope

    Update: Feb 18, 2006
    I signed up with this new company for the addon server for the site... from what they told me the server should be ready in a day or two... as soon as the server is ready I will start configuring it and start the merge ... if that goes well and the testing goes as I expected then ALL the movies will back ONLINE for everyonen to download :P

    Update: Feb 16, 2006
    I finally found a good company to rent our addon server from, so hopefuly in the next couple of days I will be signing up with them so I can get another server to add to the site...

    Update: Jan 19, 2006
    we moved to the new server for a few hours to test it, and after a few hours it couldn't handle the traffic, the funny thing is that the new server was much better than the old server we used, and yet it couldn't handle the load.... basically the company whoom I got the new server from were giving out crappy servers, so I had to pull back and so we are back on the old server again, while I look for a different company.....

    thanks guys

    Update: Jan 18, 2006
    The NEW Server is installed and is ready .. now I have to configure it and transfer the site so I would say within 2 to 3 days I should be able to finish up the new server

    Update: Jan 3, 2006
    The OS is being Installed on the new Server at the moment, then its the services then the control panel.... and then the next step is the transfer...

    Hello Everybody...

    I'm sure you have noticed the site being very slow in the past few weeks, the reason for that is because the sites TRAFFIC has gone up really high (which is a good thing) and the server is overloading and can not handle all this traffic at once and therefore the server "the site" gets slowed down......

    so... I have rented a SECOND SERVER to merge with the current server of the site to improve the speed, and in the next few days I have to do some upgrading, moving of files, changing DNS info and so on...

    in the next few days if you noticed any "PAGE NOT FOUND" or "SITE DOES NOT EXISTS" and some other messages it's because I'm doing the MERGE between the two servers....

    For now I have taken down MOST of the MOVIES and MP3s so the site wont be as slow as it was before, BUT when the MERGE is done, ALL the files will be back ONLINE Again :P

    Motmaenam ke ta alan motevajeh shodid ke site kheily yavash shodeh to in chand rooze akhir, dalilesham vase ine ke traffice site rafte bala va server kesheshe in hame traffico nadareh motasefane, va be hamin dalilam hastesh ke site meghdari yavash shode

    Bekhatere hamin ye servere jaded gereftam va mikham ke servere ghadimio enteghal bedam be server jadide ke soraate site afzayesh peyda kone, ta chand rooze ayande bayad ye seri file va film o Mp3 haro montaghel bedam be server jadid

    Age to in chand rooz site baz nashod ya didin ke neveshte “page not found” ya “site does not exits” bekhatere enteghal dadane site be servere jaded hastesh

    Alanam kheily az filmha va mp3 fileharo az roo site bardashtam ke site yavash nabashe, vaghti ke site enteghal peyda kard, hame chi dobare online mishe.

    Thanks a million to all of you guys for being a part of our community, your community. If you have any questions plz post them here

    Reza G.
    Last edited by djTapesh; 02-22-2006, 12:06 AM.
    Reza G -={DJ TAPESH )=-
    Founder / Admin

  • #2
    khaste nabashi reza


    • #3
      vay reza joon dastet dard nakone,
      man en chand rooze mordam az bas montazer vaysadam ta site baz beshe
      be snow dishab goftam age en dafe dige baz nashe computero roo saram kharab mikonam
      kheyli motshakeram ke ghabl az enke man ye kari daste khodam bedam dari sito dorost mikoni

      God made Coke,
      God made Pepsi,
      God made Persian girls so DAMN SEXY!!!

      ~Zende Bad Iran Va Irani~


      • #4
        merC tapesh jan
        خواهی که جهان در کف اقبال تو باشد؟ خواهان کسی باش که خواهان تو باشد


        • #5
          aival merc tapesh


          • #6
            reza jooon damet garm

            reza ye moo talayi omide site mayi


            • #7
              Originally posted by TaPeSh
              Hello Everybody...

              Salam bache ha
              man mikham yek chat room bezaram ke har ki ke mikhad bere oon too chat bekone
              dar zemn mikham jsmith gol ro ham moderator bekonam

              Reza G.
              Reza jan salam
              shookhi kardam, narahat nasho
              vali khastam begam ke age ye chat room baraye in site bezari kheili khoob mishe, dige baraye chat kardan too chit chat inghadr tool nemikeshe va traffic ham bala nemire....
              albate in faghat nazare man boood
              omidvar ham hastam ke az shookhie man narahat nashode bashi.....


              • #8
                jsmith, ettefaghan 2 3 rooz pish dashtam fekreh chat roomo mikardam ke bezaram faghat bareh site... na az oon chattaee ke be jahayeh digeh vasleh, chatteh makhsooseh khodeh site :P

                hala transfer kardaneh site ke tamoom shod hatman CHAT ham mizaram bareh userhayeh forum :P
                Reza G -={DJ TAPESH )=-
                Founder / Admin


                • #9
                  nanakhafan ki gofteh man moooham talaiyeh loooooooooooooool

                  damet garmmmmmmm
                  Reza G -={DJ TAPESH )=-
                  Founder / Admin


                  • #10
                    agha bizahmat begoo key tamom mishe in enteghal batashakor chakkerim


                    • #11
                      Damet garm Reza jan.

                      joone to az bas slow shode bood ke asabam khord shod nazdik bood monitore badbakhto khoordo khamiresh konam.

                      masalan saat 5 ke mikhastam biam too site, saate 6:20 daghighe site baz mishod.
                      born to be successful.


                      • #12
                        THANKS TApesh jan. chegadr shoma zahmat mikhesid.
                        Tapesh.Com and Kami joon BRINGS You the BEST


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TaPeSh
                          jsmith, ettefaghan 2 3 rooz pish dashtam fekreh chat roomo mikardam ke bezaram faghat bareh site... na az oon chattaee ke be jahayeh digeh vasleh, chatteh makhsooseh khodeh site :P

                          hala transfer kardaneh site ke tamoom shod hatman CHAT ham mizaram bareh userhayeh forum :P
                          dastet dard nakone ....
                          vali reza jan , lotfan mano Danial seda bezan, hame vadoonan....


                          • #14
                            looooooool dani
                            خواهی که جهان در کف اقبال تو باشد؟ خواهان کسی باش که خواهان تو باشد


                            • #15
                              Reza jan damet vagahn garm..... sange tamom gozashti ba in saite bahalet

